Nirala India

No Pre EMI till offer of Possession

At the time of Booking10 %
On 2nd Installment80 %
At the time of offer of Possession10 %


Construction Linked Plan

For Tower G11, G12, & G14.

At the time of Booking15 %
On 2nd Installment15 %
On casting of Basement Roof10 %
On casting of 3st floor Roof10 %
On casting 6rd floor Roof7.5 %
On casting 9th floor Roof7.5 %
On casting 12th floor Roof5 %
On casting 15th floor Roof5 %
On casting 20th floor Roof5 %
On casting of top floor roof5%
On Commencement of Brick work10%
At the time of offer of Possession5%



For Tower G6, G7, G8, G9, G10.

At the time of Booking15 %
On 2nd Installment15 %
On casting of Basement Roof10 %
On casting of 3st floor Roof10 %
On casting 6rd floor Roof7.5 %
On casting 9th floor Roof7.5 %
On casting 12th floor Roof5 %
On casting 15th floor Roof5 %
On casting of top floor roof5 %
On Commencement of Brick work15%
At the time of offer of Possession5%



* For Tower G6, G7, G8, G9, G10, 30 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ALLOTMENT/Bankable , Whichever is later (+6MONTHS GRACE PERIOD)

* For Tower G11, G12, G14, 42 MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF ALLOTMENT/Bankable , Whichever is later (+6MONTHS GRACE PERIOD)